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  • 六角車床是什幺意思、發音和在線翻譯
車床 發音 意思 翻譯    時間:2020-05-01 11:23:01
1. 六角車床1. 鉚釘、拉釘、螺母、小唇拉帽、大唇拉帽、六角拉帽、螺絲拉帽、特殊拉帽、自動車床零件、工具。。。Rivet, blind rivet, binding post screws, countersunk head ……

 1. 六角車床
1. 鉚釘、拉釘、螺母、小唇拉帽、大唇拉帽、六角拉帽、螺絲拉帽、特殊拉帽、自動車床零件、工具。。。
Rivet, blind rivet, binding post screws, countersunk head insert nuts, flat head insert nuts, hex. Rivet nut, standard blind rivet studs, speci...
2. 刀架位於一個縱面板上,小拖板使刀架能夠根據加工操作的不同作縱向移動;同時又隨大拖板作橫向移動。普通頂尖車床只能在刀架上夾持一件刃具,但六角車床可以在其旋轉的六角刀架上夾持五件或更多的刃具。車床的床身必須很牢固結實以避免在受力的時候彎曲和變形。請提問的同學最好參觀一下工廠的金屬切削/機加工車間。那裡有車床,還有其他種類的金屬切削機床。
The main components of the lathe are the headstock and tailstock at the oppoaite ends of a bed, and a tool-post between them which holds the cutting tool. the tool-post stands on a cross-side which enblesit to move sidewards across the saddle or carriage as well as along it, depending on the kind of job it is doing. the ordinary centre lathe can accommodat only one tool at at time on tool-post, but a turret lathe is capable of holding five or more tools on the revolving tueeet.
3. 六角車床的近義詞
3. 現代六角車床由計算機控制所有工件和刀具運動。
Modern turret lathes are provided with computer control of all of the workpiece and tool motions.
4. danci.911cha.com
4. 因此,為了減少或者完全不僱用這類熟練工人,六角車床、螺紋加工車床和其他類型的半自動和自動車床已經很好的研究出來,並已經在生產中得到廣泛應用。
Consequently, to reduce or eliminate the amount of skilled labor that is required, turret lathes, screw machines, and other types of semiautomatic and automatic lathes have been highly developed and are widely used in manufacturing.
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5. Screw機器類似在建築六角車床,除了他們的頭被設計拿著和哺養股票長的酒吧。
The tracer or duplicating lathe is designed to produce irregularly shaped parts automatically.
6. 最常見的車床形式是以圖解方式顯示的六角車床,它由一個支承床頭箱、拖板和六角刀架的水平床身組成。
The most common form of lathe is the turret lathe it consists of a horizontal bed supporting the headstock, the carriage and the turret.
7. 卧式軸六角自動車床和卧式單軸自動車床的試驗條件。
Test conditions for horizontal spindle turret and single spindle automatic lathes.
8. 利用行程擋塊和電氣元件控制普通車床或六角車床,實現刀架自動循環的簡易程序控制,在上海的工廠、學校和科學研究單位中,已經進行了將近五年的試驗。
The completion of automatic cycling of cutting operations on engine lathe or turret lathe by means of limit catches and electrical elements has often been refered as simple programming control.
9. 公司4000多平方米的生產車間容納了齊全的機械加工設備、檢驗儀器、附屬設備100餘台套,其中車床30台(包括普通車床23台,數控車床5台、六角車床1台、鏟齒車床1台);銑床10台(包括普通銑床5台、數控銑床2台);珩磨機1台;卧式鏜1台;鑽床15台(包括普通鑽床5台、數控鑽床9台、深孔鑽1台);磨床8台;電加工設備1台;帶鋸床2台;刨床1台;電動單梁起重機1台;其他輔助設備30餘台(包括電爐、電焊機、動平衡機、壓力機、空氣壓縮機、切割機、試驗台、檢查儀等等)。
Company of more than 4000 square meters production workshop to accommodate the full range of mechanical processing equipment, testing equipment, ancillary equipment and more than 100 sets, of which 30 lathes (including 23 ordinary lathe, CNC lathe 5, hexagonal lathe 1, Platybelodon lathe 1 milling machine 10 (including ordinary milling machine 5 sets, 2 sets of CNC milling machine Honing Machine 1; Horizontal Boring 1; drilling machine 15 (including ordinary drilling machine 5, numerical control drilling machine 9 deep Drill hole 1 grinder 8; electric processing equipment 1; band sawing machine 2; planer 1; electric single-girder crane 1; other auxiliary equipment to Taiwan more than 30 (including the electric furnace, electric welding machine, dynamic balancing machine, the pressure machines, air compressors, cutting machine, test stand, tester, etc.).
10. 六角車床
10. 根據實驗教學的經驗,研製了一種用於單軸六角自動車床和高精度通磨無心床做加工誤差統計分析的實驗教學使用的千分表測徑儀,並對幾批車削工件和磨削工件進行現場測量,並進行加工誤差的統計分析。
According to the experiences of experiment teaching, we have developed a kind of measuring diameter instrument used in error statistics and analysis in auto lathe of single axle and high precision grinding machine.
11. 六角車床是什幺意思
11. 自動轉塔式六角車床自動液壓仿形背刀車床
Automatic turret lathe automatic back tool turning machine with hydraulic copying
12. 監用此法對C336K-1回輪式六角車床進行激勵和模態分析。
A C336K   1 turret lathe is used in this case.
13. 本文根據使用單軸六角自動車床進行成組加工的方法,敘述了無編碼成組加工的方法、分組方法、編製調整卡片以及設計凸輪時的注意事項。
Based on the experiences obtained in group technology machining used on automatic single spindle turret lathe the article describes the group technology method, grouping of parts, the compilation of operation cards and attention points in layout of earns.
14. 六角車床的反義詞
14. 六角車床橫溜板箱打齒原因分析及改進措施
Breaking Gear Analyzing and Improvement Measure for the Cross-Slide of Turret Lathe


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